Chudovo Plywood mill has celebrated the 30th anniversary of its production activities on November 1, 2020. The mill was a pioneer of the modern plywood industry in Russia and today continues its development.
Since its foundation, the mil has been constantly working on improvement of production technology, equipment modernization, product quality and customer service to meet the needs of demanding customers. The high-quality plywood produced in Chudovo is confirmed by a certificate of conformity from Gosstandart and a sanitary and hygienic certificate of the Russian Federation.
Chudovo RWS LLC is one of the largest employers and taxpayers in the Chudovo district and the entire Novgorod region. The plant employs approximately 650 employees in productions, services and sales.
The mill produces high-quality birch plywood and veneer under the Chudoform® brand. The plant's products are used mainly in the transport and construction industries, as well as for the gas tankers, parquet production and other areas. About 70% of the plant's products are exported, mainly to China and Middle East countries.
All resources supplied to the plant come from sustainably managed forests. Environmental protection in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation is an important part of the company's activities. The enterprise operates on the basis of a closed water use cycle. Wood waste is used as a raw material for pulp and paper mills or is burned in the thermal energy production process.
Chudovo Plywood mill has celebrated the 30th anniversary of its production activities on November 1, 2020. The plant was a pioneer of the modern plywood industry in Russia and today continues its development.
Since its foundation, the mill has been constantly working on improvement of production technology, equipment modernization, product quality and customer service to meet the needs of demanding customers. The high-quality plywood produced
in Chudovo is confirmed by a certificate of conformity from Gosstandart and
a sanitary and hygienic certificate
of the Russian Federation.
The mill produces high-quality birch plywood and veneer under the Chudoform® brand. The plant's products are used mainly in the transport and construction industries, as well as for the gas tankers, parquet production and other areas.
About 70% of the plant's products are exported, mainly to China and Middle East countries.
Chudovo RWS LLC mill is one of the largest employers and taxpayers in the Chudovo district and the entire Novgorod region. The plant employs approximately 650 employees in productions, services and sales.
All resources supplied to the plant come from sustainably managed forests. Environmental protection
in accordance with the requirements
of Russian legislation is an important part of the company's activities. The enterprise operates on the basis of
a closed water use cycle. Wood waste is used as a raw material for pulp
and paper mills or is burned in the thermal energy production process.
Our timeline – years of development:
At the Ministry of Forest Industry of the USSR (Moscow) were signed constituent documents on the creation of the first joint Soviet-Finnish industrial enterprise CJSC Chudovo-RWS for production large-format birch plywood with a design capacity of 50 thousand m³. To finance construction, on September 1, 1988, an agreement was signed with the Moscow Narodny Bank Ltd, London and Finnish bank Postipankki about providing a loan in the amount of DM 62.6 million.
At the Ministry of Forest Industry of the USSR (Moscow) were signed constituent documents on the creation of the first joint Soviet-Finnish industrial enterprise CJSC Chudovo-RWS for production large-format birch plywood with a design capacity
of 50 thousand m³.
To finance construction, on September 1, 1988, an agreement was signed with the Moscow Narodny Bank Ltd, London and Finnish bank Postipankki about providing a loan in the amount of DM 62.6 million.
The fast pace of construction made it possible to launch one of the largest plywood enterprises in Russia two months ahead of the schedule - November 1, 1990.
The fast pace of construction made it possible to launch one of the largest plywood enterprises in Russia two months ahead of the schedule - November 1, 1990.
A workshop for the production of birch veneer with a thickness of 0.6 mm and more was set in operation. This is a complete technological production process, including all the necessary equipment from steaming raw materials to cutting and sorting dry veneer.
A workshop for the production of birch veneer with a thickness of 0.6 mm and more was set in operation. This is a complete technological production process, including all the necessary equipment from steaming raw materials to cutting and sorting dry veneer.
The company was renamed as UPM-Kymmene Chudovo LLC and UPM-Kymmene Wood Oy became the sole owner of the mill.

The installation of the third rotary cut line, veneer drying/sorting line and splicing line has been completed.
The company was renamed as UPM-Kymmene Chudovo LLC and UPM-Kymmene Wood Oy became the sole owner of the mill.
The installation of the third rotary cut line, veneer drying/sorting line and splicing line has been completed.
Modernization and automation of the whole section of veneer packages piling was accomplished. All veneer feeding operations, the algorithm for piling of veneer packages and the transition of packages to the operation of pre-pressing and pressing are performed automatically on automatic lines. UPM-Kymmene Chudovo LLC was the first plywood mill in Russia, that set-in operation an automated line for removal (cutting) of defects on veneer sheets.
Modernization and automation of the whole section of veneer packages piling was accomplished. All veneer feeding operations, the algorithm for piling of veneer packages and the transition of packages to the operation of pre-pressing and pressing are performed automatically on automatic lines.
UPM-Kymmene Chudovo LLC was the first plywood mill in Russia, that set-in operation an automated line for removal (cutting) of defects on veneer sheets.
A second coating press at UPM-Kymmene Chudovo LLC has been installed.
A second coating press at UPM-Kymmene Chudovo LLC has been installed.
Achievement of two most important indicators of process performance of UPM-Kymmene Chudovo LLC:
— exceeding the production volume of 110 thousand m³;
— production of 1.5 million m³ of plywood.
Achievement of two most important indicators of process performance of UPM-Kymmene Chudovo LLC:
— exceeding the production volume of 110 thousand m³;
— production of 1.5 million m³ of plywood.
UPM-Kymmene Chudovo LLC achieved the production of 2 million cubic meters of plywood.
UPM-Kymmene Chudovo LLC achieved the production of 2 million cubic meters of plywood.
The investment project
In the context of St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, UPM-Kymmene Chudovo LLC and the administration of the Novgorod Region signed a mutual Protocol of Intentions on the preparation of a possible investment program at the mill.
Official launch of new production facilities for the extension of UPM-Kymmene Chudovo LLC. Investments amounted to about 50 million Euros.
Program results:
the entry into operation of the new plywood production lines;
new biofuel boiler station;
the annual production capacity of the plant has increased up to 155,000 cubic meters of plywood per year.
Two new products have appeared in the UPM-Kymmene Chudovo LLC portfolio: long-grained Birch LG and Form BirchMBT with a coating based on new moisture protection technology (MBT) for concrete casting.
In the context of St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, UPM-Kymmene Chudovo LLC and the administration of the Novgorod Region signed a mutual Protocol of Intentions on the preparation of a possible investment program at the mill.
Official launch of new production facilities for the extension of the UPM-Kymmene Chudovo LLC. Investments amounted to about 50 million Euros.
Program results:
the entry into operation of the new plywood production lines;
new biofuel boiler station;
the annual production capacity of the plant has increased up to 155,000 cubic meters of plywood per year.
Two new products have appeared in the UPM-Kymmene Chudovo LLC portfolio: long-grained Birch LG and Form BirchMBT with a coating based on new moisture protection technology (MBT) for concrete casting.
The investment project
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